Community Calendar

The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank is holding a Ladles of Love takeout soup fundraiser to raise awareness of the growing need for food in Northcentral Pennsylvania. Soups are provided by local chefs from the Peter Herdic House, Hillside Catering, the Penn College Culinary Department and the James Restaurant. Each quart is $25 and comes with 4 rolls and 2 cookies. Pickup soup on Friday, February 28th from 11:30 AM to 1 PM or 3:30 PM to 5 PM at the Holiday Inn Express in downtown Williamsport. Preorder through February 21st on the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank website.

The Lightstreet Community Fire Company will hold a fundraiser featuring Fireworks in February. The event will be held on February 22nd starting at 5 PM with food, hot chocolate and more available. The fireworks display will start at 6 PM at the carnival grounds located at 1630 Monroe avenue in Bloomsburg.

Kingdom Kidz will hold a free SafeKIDZ puppet program on February 22nd at the Puppet Home at 11 East 3rd Street, Watsontown. The free program is open to the public. It starts at 1 PM and will be followed by activity rooms, snacks, etc until 4 PM. Any questions, please call 570-838-3133.

Trinity Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, 844 West 4th St, Williamsport, will hold a Lasagna Dinner on Wednesday, February 26th, from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dinner includes meat lasagna, salad, bread, and homemade dessert. Eat in or takeout. Cost for the dinner is $14 for adults, $6 for children (12 & younger), and $10 for lasagna only.

Boyer Mennonite Church, 1472 West Ridge Road, Middleburg, is hosting it’s annual Lego Club on February 28th. Lego Club is geared towards children ages 5-15. Younger children are welcome to attend with parental supervision. Registration (for those who haven’t pre-registered) is from 6:45 – 7:00 PM. The Lego Club will be held from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. 

Trinity Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, 844 West 4th Street, Williamsport, will hold Ash Wednesday Services on March 5th at Noon and 7:30 PM. “Ashes to Go” will be offered on Trinity Place from 1 to 1:30 PM. For more information, call 570-322-0126.

Revival Services with Pastor Randy Fiske will be held at New Hope Bible Church March 5th through the 8th, at 7:00 PM nightly. There will also be special singing each night. The church is located at 310 Raven Lane, Mifflinburg. For more information call 570-966-0249.

A Drive Thru Fish Fry will be held every Friday Night during Lent starting March 7th from 4 till 6 p.m. at Crossroads Nazarene church, 71 Nazarene Lane in Milton. Meals: $12 include fish, green beans, homemade mac n cheese and dessert or    Fish Only – $7. Pre orders can be placed by calling 570-473-1724.

Kingdom Kidz will present a SafeKIDZ puppet program on March 8th and 22nd at their Puppet Home. The free program is open to the public. It starts at 1:00 PM and will be followed by activity rooms, snacks, etc until 4:00 PM. The puppet home is located at 11 East 3rd Street, Watsontown.

A Drive Thru Fish Fry will be held Friday, March 14th and 21st, from 4:00 till 6:00 PM at Crossroads Nazarene church, 71 Nazarene Lane in Milton. Meals: $12 include fish, green beans, homemade mac n cheese, dessert or Fish Only – $7.

A Drive Thru Fish Fry will be held Friday, March 28th from 4:00 till 6:00 PM at Crossroads Nazarene church, 71 Nazarene Lane in Milton. Meals: $12 include fish, green beans, homemade mac n cheese, dessert or Fish Only – $7.

Boyer Mennonite Church, 1472 West Ridge Road, Middleburg, is pleased to welcome Penn View Bible Institute’s Singing Group, Heritage, on Sunday, March 23rd at 6:00 PM. There is no cost to attend, but an offering will be received. For more information, please call 570-540-6067 or follow the church’s Facebook page.

An Acapella Hymn Sing will be held on Sunday, March 30 at New Hope Bible Church in Mifflinburg at 6 PM. The service will be followed by a homemade ice cream social. The church is located at 310 Raven Lane.

A Drive Thru Fish Fry will be held Friday, April 4th, 11th and 18th from 4:00 till 6:00 PM at Crossroads Nazarene church, 71 Nazarene Lane in Milton. Meals: $12 include fish, green beans, homemade mac n cheese, dessert or Fish Only – $7. Pre orders can be placed by calling 570-473-1724.   

Crossroads Annual Indoor Yard Sale will be held on Saturday April 12th from 8:00 AM till 2:00 PM at Crossroads Nazarene Church 71 Nazarene Lane Milton.

This years Montour Night Out will be held on Wednesday June 11th from 5 till 7pm at the Danville Middle School. Lots of free give away items, food, meet first responders and much more.


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