Community Calendar

New Testament Assembly of God outside Millville will feature David Leonard and Cade Thompson in concert on Wednesday April 2nd at 7pm. For tickets log on to

A Rummage and Bake Sale will be held Saturday, March 29th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at St Paul Calvary United Methodist Church. The Marine Corps League will be selling hot dogs at the event. The church is located 1427 Memorial Avenue, Williamsport.

An Acapella Hymn Sing will be held on Sunday, March 30 at New Hope Bible Church in Mifflinburg at 6 PM. The service will be followed by a homemade ice cream social. The church is located at 310 Raven Lane.

Lewisburg Bible Church, 311 Hospital Drive, will be having a hymn sing and ice cream social on March 30th at 6pm.

Meadowbrook Christian School will present “The Wizard of Oz” on April 3 & 4 at 7:00 PM, and April 5 at 2:00 PM in the school auditorium. General Admission tickets cost of $8 for students and $10.00 for adults. Tickets are available for purchase online at or by calling the school. Meadowbrook Christian School is located at 363 Stamm Road in Milton.

A praise and worship concert featuring local band “Wander No More” will be held at Watsontown Alliance Church, Friday, April 11th at 7 p.m. The church is located at 1165 8th Street. The concert is free, donations will be accepted at the door.

Kingdom Kidz will be hosting Family Fun Night, Friday April 11th from 5:30 till 8:00 PM at 11 East 3rd Street, Watsontown. There will be FREE pizza, crafts, puppet show, snacks, games and more. Then on April 12th and the 19th Kingdom Kidz will be hosting SafeKidz at the Puppet HOME, FREE Puppet program followed by activity rooms, snacks, etc., from 1:00 till 4:00 PM. Then on on April 12th-Kingdom Kidz Puppets will present an Easter program at 10 AM at the White Deer Baptist Church, 572 White Deer Baptist Church Road, Allenwood, PA. The public is invited. Call 570-838-3133 for details.

On Saturday April 12th from 1 till 2:30 p.m. the Sound of the Gospel Church in Selinsgrove will hold a Kids Easter Celebration for those ages 2 to 10 years old. There will be an Easter egg hunt, games, crafts and more. The church is located at 50 Gospel way.

Crossroads Annual Indoor Yard Sale will be held on Saturday April 12th from 8:00 AM till 2:00 PM at Crossroads Nazarene Church 71 Nazarene Lane Milton.

Lewisburg Bible church will be having a Good Friday service April 18th at 6 p.m.    An Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 19th at 10 a.m. and Easter Sunday April 20th they will have a Sunrise service at 7 a.m., breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and Worship service at 10 a.m.    The church is located at 311 Hospital Drive.

The 2025 Men’s Resurrection Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 19, from 8:30 to 10:30am at the Watson Inn in Watsontown. Guest speaker for the event will be Coach Dave Brandt, head soccer coach for Bucknell University. All men and young men are invited to attend. Tickets are required and may be purchased by calling (570) 452-5000.

An Easter Sunrise Service will be held Sunday, April 20th at 6a.m. in River Front Park in Danville. The Community is invited to attend.

The Danville Area Community Center is offering American Red Cross lifeguard classes and re-certification at the DACC. Recertification is available for current lifeguards on May 10 and the class will run May 16th through the 18th. The 3-day program includes CPR/AED and first aid certifications, with a focus on online coursework and practical skills like the 300-yard swim and brick retrieval test. Space is limited and there is a cost for the class. Call 570- 275-3001.

Do you believe people matter? If so, Pregnancy Resource Clinic would love to share with you how their services are making an impact across the Centre Region! You’re invited to join them for their 2025 Annual Fundraising Banquet on Tuesday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m. at The Bryce Jordan Center (720 Curtin Rd. in State College). There is no cost to attend the event. A reservation is required; please RSVP by calling 814-234-7341 by Friday, April 25th.

Maranatha Christian School is holding their annual benefit auction on Friday, April 25th. The food stand opens at 3:00 PM. Chicken Bar-B-Q dinners and other food items, as well as baked goods and soft-serve ice cream, will be available. The auction of furniture, crafts, toys, decor, tools, and many other items will begin at 4:00 PM. with a silent auction starting later in the evening.        

On Sunday April 27th-Kingdom Kidz will present an Easter themed worship service at Stonington Wesleyan Church at 10:30 am. The public is invited. The church is located at 3191 State Route 61, Sunbury.

Southside Fire Company Annual firemens carnival will be held May 20th through the 24th starting at 5pm each day. A pet and toy parade will be held on Saturday the 24th forming at St. Peters Church at 4 p.m. The fire company is located at 270 Ave D, Danville.

This years Montour Night Out will be held on Wednesday June 11th from 5 till 7 PM at the Danville Middle School. Lots of free give away items, food, meet first responders and much more.


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